After searching high and low I was able to locate both Henry and Rhys’ immunization record books! Yay. I am gathering paperwork ready for the PreK meeting.
Left the house at 11:20 to pick Henry up from school. Spent the next couple of agonizing hours at the dentist restraining Rhys from jumping all over the exam chair, and watching Henry squirming as they administered laughing gas and then squirming even more when the Dr. began working on the two small cavities that became apparent after two teeth were extracted by the oral surgeon last month. Oh the saga of Henry’s young teeth.
After finally getting them both buckled in I thought instead of running to get Henry a shake, and since he could actually eat since he didn’t get any shots (instead they administered some new laser technique), ‘why don’t we have lunch with daddy?’ So we drove down to see Kenny, but on the way I got a call from Blanca at the LAUSD. I didn’t answer the call initially because I didn’t recognize the number but then realized that it must be the LAUSD. When I called back I was still enroute to see Kenny, but Blanca was on the other line, so asked if she could call back in 20 minutes. Not knowing if this window of opportunity will close I said yes, please call back.
We decided to grab lunch at Koo Koo Roo and take it to the museum grounds. Blanca phoned right after we ordered lunch so we conducted the interview as we were leaving the restaurant. It was while on the museum grounds that some koot had to put his two cents in to Kenny about cellphones and how they should be thrown into the water. Children are neglected … blah, blah, blah. I just turned my back on him trying to tune him out, trying my best to answer Blanca’s questions about a child I care very much about.
I need to finish the Long Way Round and work on Jennee’s gift certificates this weekend!
So far I’ve had great luck with most of the movies I’ve chosen through netflix.
1. The Long Way Round
2. Shut Up and Sing
3. Marie Antoinette
4. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
I want to watch the Gilmore Girls from the very beginning. Mainly because I remember an interview Alexis did on Conan a while back. He had mentioned how much his wife loved that show, and as a matter of fact I also heard that Ira Glass' wife loves the show as well.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago