Just got back from another horrid trip to Target. Rhys is still in the car (with the doors open) because when we got home he refused to let me unbuckle him. This time he wanted 2 electric lollipops. We were checking out when he made a break for it with both lollipops. I told him to get back here so we can check out. He ran to the water fountain and by the time I caught up with him I was so steamed! I grabbed him by the waist and walked back to the register, gave the woman the lollipops and put him down.
Once down he decided to hit me and then he ran back to the water fountain. I told him I was leaving and quickly walked out of the store. By the time he caught up with me I decided that I was going to tell him that because he hit me, he will not be getting the lollipops. I put him in the cart and we made a circle back to the return dept. I returned the lollipops without any fuss, until he realized we were leaving the lollipops behind. Then all hell broke loose. I quickly wheeled us out, and once at the car it was several long minutes of trying to strap a struggling and angry child into his seat. I've failed to mention that he had poop in his diaper and I forgot to use my 1.50 coupon for diapers one of the two reasons I decided I had to go to Target today. Coupon for diapers and Motrin.
Just went to go check on him. He is now back in the house duly remorseful enough to tell me "sorry" when I asked if he hit me. He then gave me a kiss and a hug.
Why does it feel like every time I try to do something it feels 10 times more difficult than it should? Like going to Target for diapers and Motrin. I keep thinking about that line Mr. Incredible says at the beginning of the movie.
Left a message for Dr. W to discuss Rhys' head banging, speech and potty training. Made an appointment with Dr. V. Have not been since a little after Rhys was born.
Late this afternoon I got a call from a parent from the school Henry went to for kindergarten last year. She phoned to ask if I could please write a letter about my experience with the current principal. Apparently everyone at the school had reached their limit and they were doing what they have to do to give her the boot. I told her I work on something to get over to her tomorrow.
Right before the boys and I left to go pick Kenny up from work, Ben called to ask whether I had heard from mom and dad. He had no idea that mom had been home from work with pneumonia. Seeing that it was just a little after 7p I wasn’t too concerned thinking that mom and dad were probably out at dinner.
At 9:30p Aunt Elena called asking if I had heard from mom and dad. My grandmother wanted to know how mom’s doctor’s appointment went. Mom needed to go back for a check up before she could return to work and that check up was scheduled for Tuesday. Now I was really concerned. It was 9:30! Where could they be? If her appointment well and she could return to work then she should be at home resting for the next day. If her appointment did not go well and she couldn’t return to work yet she still should be at home.
I told Aunt Elena I would try mom’s mobile number and call her back if I heard anything. I called the home number again, it went to voice mail, I then tried calling mom’s mobile, that went to voice mail. I then called Ben to tell him of the latest developments. He asked if Aunt Elena had noticed if both their cars were in the driveway. I called Aunt Elena to ask. She had not checked! With me still on the line she went to check. Both cars were in the driveway! I asked if she could go check the house and see if they were home. She seemed scared. Asked if I could hold on the line. I said yes. I heard her walk over to the house. She said she noticed lights on in the house. And oh, sure enough dad was home and was unlocking the door.
Apparently the electricity was flickering a lot more lately and the cable actually went out a few days ago. It was bad enough for them to phone electricians for an appointment. So the phone was out of commission because they were rewiring the house.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago