The weekends suck. I have this problem of not being able to get myself out the door. All week long I think about where I could go, what I could be doing with myself, and then the weekend comes and I feel guilty for leaving. ‘Cause it seems all I really want to do is nest. Putter around the house organizing things, watching movies, surfing the net or reading books.
I was only able to go to Kelly Paper today to get cardstock for the gift certificates I’m working on for Jen’s salon. And even getting to Kelly’s before they closed at 1:00p was a major ordeal. I was planning on going solo, but I had the hardest time dragging myself away from my new toy. This blog.
When we finally go there it was about a quarter to 1:00, luckily we knew exactly what we needed. Kenny took his time coming in, with Rhys leading the way. He asked if I could find out the paper weight was on a couple of books. He’s working on publishing the first of many books and is researching everything. Anyhow I found the same guy Jacob, who helped me back in December when I was working on all the Christmas cards. He was extremely helpful. Left a message for Jen to get back to me on envelopes. If she wants them to match the cardstock it’s going to have to be a special order.
Standing in line at the checkout I sensed all was not well in paperland. It became apparent that there was some tension between Jacob and his co-worker. There was a rush to get everyone out the door so they could close up, so while Jacob was working quickly and efficiently the new guy was joking around with everyone. I got the feeling no one was amused.
Rhys as usual was running around exploring his surroundings, trying his best to get into trouble. This time it was the water dispenser by the doorway. He kept running furiously across the room between where I was standing in line and the dispenser all the while stopping to take intermittent sips of water. Finally with his patience worn thin, Kenny picked him up sideways and carried a flailing and whining Rhys out the door. Once at the register Jacob commented that I had back up today. “So lucky… sometimes I can’t think straight when he’s around.”
Afterwards we left for the library to pick up some materials that were on hold. Rhys and I sat in the car because I was convinced he was going to fall asleep soon, but instead he spotted the fair in the park. Who wouldn’t have? They had a couple of huge jumpers and live horses giving kids pony rides! At first I thought it was a private party, and told him so when he kept telling me he wanted to go over there. Then he started saying ’wanna go party’ in a tired voice. When Kenny came back he said why not? Let’s go check it out. It turned out to be a school fair. Actually it looked like most of Westchester was there in one form or another. We stayed for a bit. Rhys got to go in both jumpers. There was a small one for little kids, and a larger one with a climbing section that brought you up to the top of a slide. You should have seen how quickly he scurried up the climbing section!
I was really disappointed in myself. For the first time in a long time I left my camera at home! I deliberately started carrying a smaller handbag so my shoulder wouldn’t feel as if I had crushed it hoisting an elephant, but now I’m having trouble finding room for essentials… like my camera! What to do?!
We wrapped up our little excursion up with a coffee break at Starbucks, a detour to Blockbuster and layover at the post office (where Kenny checked on his PO Box), before swinging by the Circle K (for a Klondike for Rhys) and finally home.
Got home and there was a message from a guy I used to work with at MTV, Ben, asking if I had time for lunch in about 2 weeks. He said he got my number through Dena who is going on maternity leave. She’s just left a spot at Discovery that he’s hoping to fill. So I’m figuring that it’ll be a threesome for lunch… probably four if we count Rhys, who I’m sure I’ll be bringing.
Rhys sure misses Henry. Periodically he would say “Henry. Henry? Henry at school?” and I’ll have to say “No sweetie, Henry’s at Aunties”. Then he'd kind of nod and murmur oh.
I had meant to go to Maryrose’s art reception at Bergamot Station. It started at 4p. Really had no excuse since it was on the westside. The last one was downtown or Pasadena. Anyhow we did not go ’cause you know our feet have cemented to the floors. I’m so lame! I’ll blame my crappy mood on the weather. It was overcast today. That’s the price you pay for living by the coast.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago