Music Box

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Pre Easter Fun

Tomorrow is Easter. It’s 10:10p and Rhys is asleep. Henry is hopping around the room like a frog waiting for something fun to happen. He’s just finished a couple of hours of playing video games on his DS. The first season of the Gilmore Girls is playing. It’s very good. I love it. A PG Sex in the City.

Wednesday after picking Henry up (for Spring Break!) we drove down to see Hilary and John. We had lunch and then went to Boomers.On the way we stopped off at REI to get the boys new shoes.

Once at Boomers they had a blast. Luckily I brought an extra set of clothes for each of them, just in case. Who am I kidding? It was a sure bet for Rhys. He cannot resist the water fountain park. By the time he was finished, or rather when he allowed me to drag him away, he was sopping wet. I mean drenched to the core. Getting him dressed was another ordeal!

Last night after an early dinner at Chili’s I finally got Kenny over to REI. I wanted Kenny to check out the Keen selection, but he didn’t even bother. Henry got sick. Really awful out the back end sick. Thank God Kenny was there.
