My arms are so tired from gardening they feel like they are going to fall off! I’ve got tons of work ahead after neglecting the beds for the past months. Spent hours trimming the lavender. I’m planning on planting more drought tolerant plants and doing some research on cactus plants for inside the house. I’ve been inspired by some really pretty cactus arrangements. Can’t wait to start.
How many parents take their kids to the park at 7:30pm on a Sunday night? Followed by a trip to Target for Pokemon cards for their six year old?! Kenny promised he would have them back by 8:30. Right. I am sooo angry at him right now. I suggested leaving at 4 or 5p, but he was busy playing the PSP2 (or whatever it’s called) with Henry.
Yesterday Kenny, Henry and I went to see the optometrist. Here’s Henry trying a couple of frames on. Luckily he doesn’t need any glasses yet but according to the doctor he will probably be getting a prescription in a few years. Not surprising since Kenny and I are both nearsighted.
Afterwards ran some errands and then met Muni, Angele, Hilary and John at Casa Escobar for dinner. These pictures were taken by our young intrepid photographer Henry. Who has a real eye and has expressed interest in not only wanting to do magic tricks but wants a camera as well. I told him I’d love to get him his own camera if I could figure out a way to keep it from Mr. Destruct-o (Rhys). In the meantime he’ll have to settle for borrowing mine.
We’ve been so looking forward to seeing Hot Fuzz and were excited to be able to go last night. We headed to Angele’s after dinner with Hilary and John in tow, and played for a while before leaving for a show at the Grove. It turned out to be quite a blast. Definitely not recommended for kids. I could barely recommend it to myself. The movie was brilliant, but there were some very graphic scenes that were completely shocking.
There is exciting news, Henry’s first tooth finally came out! He was wiggling it yesterday and pop it came out. He was so excited. He had written a note to the tooth fairy asking for Pokemon cards. (He got ten bucks instead).
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago