This is the longest break I've taken since starting this thing. It's been very busy and I've been in a bit of a funk. Got this terrible virus from Kenny and it makes you weary, achy and whiny. Thankfully the weather has cooled down a little and our friend Coastal Eddy has come back.
Mothers Day was pretty ho hum. After hemming and hawing and unable to get last minute reservations at our restaurant of choice we ended up having dim sum. Angele came over early and escorted Henry to services, relieving us of the ordeal of all (Rhys included) going to church. Thank you!
We met my parents, Angele, Hilary and John at the restaurant at 1p. Had a great lunch and then meandered over to the market next door before topping things off at a cute coffee/tea shop, where we had refreshments and conversation for a spell.
Yesterday Henry tested for his first belt at his new Karate class. The stars lined up and luckily my parents were able to come up after Mom got her stitches out. Luckier for me Rhys had fallen asleep, so my parents volunteered to stay in the car with him while I got a peaceful hour watching the testing. Even though he was goofing off a bit Henry still did well and got a white stripe!
As I had previously mentioned I've been busy nesting in the garden, mainly in the backyard. I've planted cherry tomatoes and basil donated from my parents garden. This is the first crop I've attempted since Rhys started walking. I'm dying to check this place out.
Last week I had a little time before I had to pick Henry up from school so decided to take Rhys down to Ikea to look for some odds and ends. We ended up in the big tent on the parking lot where they have all their seasonal items. It was late morning and there was hardly a soul around. It was so pleasantly refreshing we took our time looking around. Fell in love with these outdoor cushions and large planters. Wisely did not purchase any of the breakables, but decided to take the cushions.
Wouldn't you know it, just as I made my final decision and made my way to the cashier two people reached it before me. The first person came and went. The second person had only one thing to purchase, one of those popsicle makers where you pour the making of a popsicle into the mold and pop them into the freezer. Well the cashier rang it up and accidentally tore the receipt right about where it line items the purchase. The guy started freaking out and asked if she could fix the receipt! It escalated into this crazy examination of the receipt; he asked if she could ring it up again, she said she'd have to call a supervisor and one was not available at the time. She offered to staple the two pieces together, he refused. Another co worker was called into it, both workers and I were looking at the guy thinking 'you don't know if you want this popsicle maker for sure right now and you are entertaining thoughts of driving all the way back here to maybe return an item that costs a little over two dollars?' I think he began to realize how silly he was being and how much time he was taking and finally left with his torn receipt.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago