I'm trying to keep collected and not be discouraged, but I am really tired. I'm losing patience because in Rhys' case it really does take a village.
Today before our Gymboree class we had a 10:30a appointment for vision and hearing testings. I am sad to report neither went well, as he was much more interested in the cool new toys in the room than being tested.
On the way to Gymboree I had flashbacks of last week's terrible ordeal.

Thankfully it didn't come down to any confrontations with security, but we were in 'time out' about four times. I don't want to keep excusing his behavior on hunger and/or tiredness, but I'm beginning to realize that it may be that simple. I need to make sure this kid is fed and takes a nap! I tried to have him eat something before class, but he didn't want to because he had a late breakfast. Boy did we pay for that one!
Right after class he dragged me upstairs for some rides and eats. His lunch of choice of course is Chicken McNuggets. It worries me that that is all he willingly eats, but thankfully he doesn't touch the fries so I don't buy them. I don't indulge him as often as he would like and other than force feeding him I see no alternative, because when I do present him with healthier fare he usually turns his nose up at it and demands something else. When I refuse he will drink himself silly until he is full. But sometimes, sometimes that old trick will work, and he will eventually eat what I've prepared. On the condition that he is able to pick something out of it, like cheese off pizza. Bad example I know, but you get the picture. It's usually Trader Joe's organic cheese pizza, so I don't feel too bad.
I let him have a couple of rides before enticing him down to the car with the promise of picking Henry up from school. Just as we were leaving the mall he started screaming. An elderly woman told him to 'shut up' in a nasty tone. Can you believe the nerve of some people?
The rest of the afternoon is passing quite normally. As I'm typing, I'm also supervising Henry on his homework (getting him to complete his homework is sometimes like pulling teeth! Speaking of which his top front tooth is starting to wiggle), occupying Rhys(who should be napping) who is waiting for Henry to play with him. He is concurrently viewing Felix the Cat, and playing in the patio with the water guns Kenny brought home last night. I found Rhys earlier this afternoon with these same water guns shooting up the tv!
On a happier note we made it through most of the morning and early afternoon without a diaper! Until he requested one to do 'that which will not be named'.
Today before our Gymboree class we had a 10:30a appointment for vision and hearing testings. I am sad to report neither went well, as he was much more interested in the cool new toys in the room than being tested.
On the way to Gymboree I had flashbacks of last week's terrible ordeal.
Thankfully it didn't come down to any confrontations with security, but we were in 'time out' about four times. I don't want to keep excusing his behavior on hunger and/or tiredness, but I'm beginning to realize that it may be that simple. I need to make sure this kid is fed and takes a nap! I tried to have him eat something before class, but he didn't want to because he had a late breakfast. Boy did we pay for that one!
Right after class he dragged me upstairs for some rides and eats. His lunch of choice of course is Chicken McNuggets. It worries me that that is all he willingly eats, but thankfully he doesn't touch the fries so I don't buy them. I don't indulge him as often as he would like and other than force feeding him I see no alternative, because when I do present him with healthier fare he usually turns his nose up at it and demands something else. When I refuse he will drink himself silly until he is full. But sometimes, sometimes that old trick will work, and he will eventually eat what I've prepared. On the condition that he is able to pick something out of it, like cheese off pizza. Bad example I know, but you get the picture. It's usually Trader Joe's organic cheese pizza, so I don't feel too bad.
I let him have a couple of rides before enticing him down to the car with the promise of picking Henry up from school. Just as we were leaving the mall he started screaming. An elderly woman told him to 'shut up' in a nasty tone. Can you believe the nerve of some people?
The rest of the afternoon is passing quite normally. As I'm typing, I'm also supervising Henry on his homework (getting him to complete his homework is sometimes like pulling teeth! Speaking of which his top front tooth is starting to wiggle), occupying Rhys(who should be napping) who is waiting for Henry to play with him. He is concurrently viewing Felix the Cat, and playing in the patio with the water guns Kenny brought home last night. I found Rhys earlier this afternoon with these same water guns shooting up the tv!
On a happier note we made it through most of the morning and early afternoon without a diaper! Until he requested one to do 'that which will not be named'.