Today was Henry's last day at school. Kenny dropped him off and I picked him up two hours later. When we got home mom and dad were already parked outside. We banged on the door when it was discovered that the screen door was locked. And continued to stand outside for what seemed forever, but must have been 5 minutes until Kenny in a towel finally came to unlock the door. He stayed behind with Rhys, to shower and freshen up for work, after a pretty hectic night.
Seth had requested the design department to check out this club in Hollywood called Area for an episode lampooning really trendy Hollywood clubs. They went last night and Kenny, who thought it would be a short hour or so did not come home until closer to 3a! Some of these pictures crack me up. The one above is one of my favorites! I love the look on that girl's face, and the way that magenta light swirls around the perimeter of the photo uniting the figures, creating a sfumato effect hinting at the sounds and movements on the dance floor. Can you guess I was an Art History major?
We went to lunch at Ayara. Don't ask me to pronounce it, I only get tongue tied. I even asked the waitress to say it for me and I think I had it down, but now that I'm at home I don't know. I remember her pronouncing it Al-a ra. But where does the L come from?!
Seth had requested the design department to check out this club in Hollywood called Area for an episode lampooning really trendy Hollywood clubs. They went last night and Kenny, who thought it would be a short hour or so did not come home until closer to 3a! Some of these pictures crack me up. The one above is one of my favorites! I love the look on that girl's face, and the way that magenta light swirls around the perimeter of the photo uniting the figures, creating a sfumato effect hinting at the sounds and movements on the dance floor. Can you guess I was an Art History major?
We went to lunch at Ayara. Don't ask me to pronounce it, I only get tongue tied. I even asked the waitress to say it for me and I think I had it down, but now that I'm at home I don't know. I remember her pronouncing it Al-a ra. But where does the L come from?!
Mom and Dad really enjoyed the food. The boys picked at it. It was not a relaxing lunch, nor was it terrible, with Rhys eating multiple lollipops from the counter and running around a thankfully empty restaurant. We arrived shortly after 10a.
Afterwards we left for Costco where I am very excited to report I picked up my brand spanking new Canon SD750! It is simply beautiful! I took some interesting shots as we drove through Long Beach to a fabric store where Mom picked up a few things.
Nice to know when to expect Beckham.
I found the verbage on these signs hysterical. I don't know if you can make it out but the first one says 'C/N Salon... Karaoke Copy Fax' and the other 'LB Shoe and acccessories UCG Wireless'. You've got to ask yourself if these are left over props from that Yellow Pages ad campagin.
We originally wanted to visit with my Aunt May to see Eva and Ethan, but no one was at home. So we decided to stop off at Ikea just for the heck of it, where the boys squeezed into the lockers just for the heck of it.