Today is Dad's Birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! We decided to have our lunch today instead of our usual Thursday. Dad came up early and we did a little Target shopping. I finally gave in and bought a little blow up pool because the weather has been getting unbearable. I was holding out for the hard plastic shell hoping that I could just store it away and best of all avoid blowing it up, but Kenny did present the 'where are we going to store it' problem so I caved in and am psyching myself up to blow it up either tonight or tomorrow.
Afterwards we left for lunch. Both boys were pretty good, though squirmy. In the middle of lunch Henry informed me that he had to go to the restroom, so we excused ourselves. We make our way over to the restroom and we've not taken a few steps before I see that Rhys had jumped in front of me skip hopping after Henry. While Henry was in his stall, Rhys goes into the other. I was pretty sure he just came along for the ride since he had just gone to the restroom when we were at Target, sure enough he starts playing around and... brace yourself... crawled from his stall into Henry's. YUCK. I must say it again 'Boys are sooo Gross!'
They both come out and while they are washing up I notice that the stall Rhys was originally in was still firmly shut. I walk up to it and push it in only to discover that he had not unlocked it! Just as I turn to direct him to unlock the door he jams out of the bathroom and makes a beeline back to our table. I walk up to him, take him by his hand and firmly walk him back to the bathroom and instruct him to unlock the door. Luckily he did without any problem. We re-wash our hands and sit back down. By this time I've lost my appetite.
Later that night we all met up again for Dad's Birthday Dinner! We were stuck in rush hour traffic and was a half an hour late. But everything worked out and we actually bumped into Dad in the parking lot, as he went back to the car to retrieve something. We ended up parking right next to them. Dad walked over to our car, took a peak into the backseat to say hi to the boys, and wouldn't you know it they were both knocked out! Henry ended up waking up, but Rhys was OUT! He was asleep all throughout dinner and did not wake up until this morning.
Happy 68th Birthday Dad! You wear it well.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago