Happy Birthday Kenny!
Today is Kenny's birthday and he got his first present at 4:00a. It was from Rhys and it was in the form of a wet bed! We had a pretty sleepless night. At 2:00a Rhys came crawling in our bed wet. I got up and quickly changed him, but was too tired to deal with his bed so let him climb into ours. A mistake! Because 2 hours latter he wet our bed! No one can ever accuse Rhys of dehydration.
Due to our lack of sleep we slept in and found ourselves waking up at 7:10a. A big no-no especially since Rhys needs to be at school at 8:00a. Scrambled around getting dressed, breakfast and then dropped Rhys off at school. While making coffee I spied a caterpillar on the cactus by the window! The boys were fascinated by the caterpillar moving around the cactus. Unfortunately detracting their attention from breakfast.
I am still amazed at the ease in which Rhys is transitioning to school, so far he's still excited about going. Yesterday and today he made a dash to the door as we said our goodbyes but once I gave him a kiss and told him 'bye, see you later' and he was fine.
Henry and I went to Whole Foods to pick out a cake and some presents for Kenny. We started the excursion off by checking out the bakery and then we went to go get a little petit dejeuner. Henry got a hot chocolate with a chocolate muffin and I ordered a latte. We walked out with chocolate espresso cake, a box of J. Schmidt chocolates, a polycarbonate water bottle for biking (actually I bought 4 bottles; 2 small ones for the kids that fit into their lunch boxes and 2 for us because I have made the decision that I will try to not buy any more bottled water), a lunch box for Rhys, a pair of dish gloves (PINK!), and all packaged in a reusable Whole Foods bag.
The other day I asked Henry what present we should get for Daddy's birthday and he came up with a Venus Fly Trap. We couldn't find a Venus Fly Trap in the garden section at Whole Foods so we swung over to Armstrongs. There we picked a nice one out, while Henry picked the pot and saucer painted bright orange.
When we went to pick Rhys up his teacher explained to me that she will be teaching Kindergarten in the fall and is looking forward to the possibility of having him in her class. I had to explain that Rhys is turning 4 next month and that he won't be in Kindergarten until next year. Boy she was pretty surprised. I guess she thought due to his size he was already 5.
Later while in the car Henry excitedly told Kenny 'Guess what Daddy, we have a present for you at home, it's a surprise!' He then said 'You won't have to use your shirt to get rid of the flies anymore'. Guess what it is? He then went on to add 'It needs light'. Guess what it is? One more clue 'It's a plant, I'm not going to say anything more'. Gee I wonder what it is!
Check out this cool Mr. Potato Head: Transformer Edition Lisa got for Kenny. The packaging says 'More than meets the fry!'
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thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago