Took the boys to their annual check up today. We were all geared up for their 2:40p appointment in Santa Monica. Because, or if you'd prefer despite- prepping them all day, setting the timer to leave at 2:00p just in case traffic was bad, we got there just in time and by the skin of our teeth. Traffic is just that bad. I'm probably showing my age by saying that I remember a time when it took only 20 minutes to get across town. This is still possible if you travel in the dead of night.
Once we arrived at the doctors office Henry got a brief hearing and vision test. Both then got a chance to pee into a cup and then it was off to find out how much they have grown since last year. I can add another factoid to interesting Henry and Rhys lore.
4) On Sept. 7, 2007, during his 4th Annual checkup Rhys was found to be as heavy as he was tall. OR maybe a better way to put it would be for every pound he weighed he equaled in height. Which in a weird way makes him a perfect square? 41" by 41 lbs. Henry on the other hand is 1.25 lbs. heavier than Rhys and 5 inches taller.
Since informing them of their impending check up Henry had been in excruciating pain. The pain of not knowing if he was getting shots or not. He's developed a fear of needles that I believe manifested from his numerous dental visits. He was NOT happy when the doctor informed him that he was getting a shot and a TB skin test (not as bad as a regular shot, but a shot nonetheless).
As soon as news of this sunk in he bolted for the space under the table! Rhys following closely behind. I was able to lure them out before the nurse came back into the room.
The nurse came in shortly afterwards and since Henry was so wound up and Rhys still oblivious, I suggested Rhys go first. As soon as I had him up on the examining table he glanced over to the nurse, saw her equipment and uttered a "NOooo!" He quickly got his two shots, one on each arm and then it was Henry's turn. But where was Henry? I looked around the room puzzled, until the nurse pointed to beneath the table, where I found a huddled and petrified Henry in fetal position. I was able to get him out, hoisted him up on the table and held tightly onto him as the nurse administered the shots. He was sooo upset! They just sat there crying their hearts out!
Their tears continued into the car. They were inconsolable. Until we passed by Wendy's where Rhys suggested 'chicken nuggets' and Henry requested a 'chocolate milkshake'.
Now the tears are gone as they are munching on their snacks watching another exciting episode of the Justice League.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago