As an example of how booked our Octobers are getting. Mom scheduled her birthday dinner last night, a week before her Oct. 5th birthday. Saturday, October 6th has been taken by Dominic (11th) who is turning THREE! And Henry is lucky enough to have his birthday and party fall on a Saturday, so of course he has dibs on the 13th! Yours truly has fallen on a Friday this year (12th). And let's not forget Auntie May the 14th. Lisa the 2nd. Christopher the 3rd. Leigh the 8th. Email me if I've forgotten anyone else.
I worked all week on the above for mom. I've just finished another today which I will reveal this week as soon as I dispatch it to another birthday girl!
I am getting excited about tomorrow. Something to tide me over until then. Going to see Dave Matthews Band at the Bowl tomorrow night with Mike and Maria! Can't thank Jacki and Tom enough for helping make it happen as they were instrumental in getting us the best tickets available at the time, since we got them so late! Am worried about Kenny's foot. He hurt it biking last week and am worried about how far we'll have to walk for parking. Anyhow he's taken it a little easy this weekend, so hopefully it's on the mend and will be as good as new tomorrow.
Tonight Henry spent some time at a playdate with his classmate Ian. Afterwards Ian, his sister Maya and dad Jim walked over to drop Henry off and stayed for a spell. It's so nice to have great neighbors and to have Henry and Ian in the same class is just magic. While saying goodbyes Rhys told Maya to 'give me five' and gave five to Ian as well!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago