Kicking off our Halloween festivities very early this morning was pumpkin carving spearheaded by Kenny. I finally got around to purchasing a pair of pumpkins the other day. We've never been too big on Halloween, but as with all holidays now, we have to make the extra effort for the kids. I'd give ourselves a C this year. We've been so disorganized since Henry's birthday, it's like we breathed a final gasp right after the birthday party and now we're just limping along barely alive. God help us through Christmas!
They turned out rather cute, but more importantly the kids loved them! And Rhys loved blowing the votives out.
Kenny threw together his costume the night before. I'm not familiar with the character, but he tells me that all the die hards will be able to figure it out.
Apparently a movie based on the graphic novel is in the works. I don't mind telling you that when he tried it on for a test run I was terrified and made him promise not to wear it out alone at night!
I picked Henry up from school and then we drove straight to Kenny's work. They were throwing a Halloween party and costume contest. Right as we arrived we noticed that everyone was outside milling around the back of the building in what appeared to be a fire drill. But a fire drill with real firemen and fire engines? Oh, well. There were quite a few people, mainly costumed young women who took the opportunity to really make this Halloween memorable by asking some of the cute firemen to pose for a few pictures. Happy Halloween.
Our little Storm Trooper and Superman (who was also disguised as a Blue Power Ranger) caused a little stir and were asked to be in a few photos as well. They were mesmerized by the accouterments of an older Storm Trooper.
On the way up we bumped into Lisa who was also curious about the Halloween festivities going on upstairs. When we finally made it upstairs I was amazed by the visual stimulation of all the costumes,
the amazing pumpkins,
the company art show that was still up despite all the work having been sold out,
as well as the board of photos from the 100th Episode party Monday night.
I've been told that the theme of the next company art show will be album covers with proceeds going to charity. Can't wait.
After a couple of hours we were finally able to tear ourselves away from the office and get a move on home, where Hilary and John were waiting with dinner. We quickly ate and then it was off again to Caroline and Herb's house.

Mary, Luan and their kids were already there and everyone was chomping at the bit to get started trick or treating! It was the first time in years I've seen gaggle and gaggles of kids roaming the streets! It was exciting, but I couldn't help but think that it felt so much later than it was and how sad that it was a school night. They really should either move Halloween permanently to a Friday or make it a holiday the next day. Oh, but what to do about All Saint's Day?