Woke up this morning at 7:00! YIKES. The news reported an accident on the 405. A crane flipped on it's side killing it's operator. Both sides shut down!
Traffic over in our neck of the woods has been pretty miserable for the past few weeks. Most noticeably since they installed that left turn signal at Airport and Manchester. In addition, the beautification plans for LAX have been implemented most specifically along Sepulveda. What I'm hearing is that they are creating an additional lane on both the north and south bound sides of the street, and throwing in one of those pretty landscaped medians. But before we can appreciate this beauty and convenience we must suffer. It's gotten so bad that I've been devising new routes to take in getting the kids to and from school.
And so on top of the ongoing suffering people face travelling through Westchester, we've had to deal with the ramifications of this accident all morning long. The consistent whirl of news helicopters swarm above the accident broadcasting the shut down of the freeway in both directions. I've been running errands all morning. Errands that have taken me on both the north and south bound 405 and crazily enough in both instances I've had the good fortune to be on the side that hasn't been affected.
Driving on these specific spots was like driving on the freeway on a holiday when everyone is still in bed. Only today they weren't in bed. They were stuck on the opposite side of the freeway or they were stuck on the streets taking a detour. Kenny called to tell me that it took him TWO HOURS to get to work this morning!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago