Photo of Henry in Sante Fe, New Mexico. January 2003.
Last week as I'm pulling away from school, right after picking Henry up, he tells me that there were some girls trying to kiss him and another boy in his class named Charlie. This reminds me of some other Henry kissing episodes which occurred earlier in his life and if I remember correctly pre-Rhys. The first episode happened while waiting for the train on Main Street in Disneyland. We were standing along the platform with another group which included a cute little girl who looked to be a bit older. We noticed that they were playing with each other, and the very next minute we glanced over at them -they are kissing! The other incident I recall was at one of those indoor play areas, and this scene unfolded very much like the first and with the same result. Only this time the parents did not stand next to us giggling about it; instead the mother of the girl pulled her away in mortification.
Henry in Sante Fe, New Mexico. January 2003.
This morning as we are walking out the door Henry says "Mommy, these girls at school like me." Amused I ask him "so, they think you're cute?". Embarrassed he gives me a funny look and walks out the door.
In the car I continue with the grill. "Henry, what are these girls' names?"
"I don't remember." Henry is bad with names.
"You know it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's really not a bad thing."
I turn around to see what effect my words have on him.
"Mommy, can we just do the drop off?" he replies with a tortured pained look on his face. Once we reach the drop off he peers out the window and says "oh, those girls are at school today."
After dropping Henry off Kenny, Rhys and I leave for our teeth cleaning appointment. On the way I spot someone who looks amazingly like Donald Sutherland crossing the intersection between Beverly Glen and Santa Monica Bl. Kenny says no it's not Donald Sutherland. This coming from the guy who swears to this day he saw Rob Fukuzaki at the Westside Pavilion with 2 kids. It was NOT Rob Fukuzaki!
I kept Rhys entertained as best I could while Kenny went first. Luckily there was a TV, but even that was not a good enough draw. Rhys insisted on checking up on Daddy every 5 minutes, so we went from the break room where the TV was located to Kenny and back again. Oh, and we made a detour to the stairway where a large whale is partially lodged into the wall.
Once it was my turn the dental hygienist and I got into a discussion about teeth whitening and clutter control. I asked her about whitening strips which I've been wanting to try but have been too chicken to for fear of it hurting. She suggested using Rembrandt whitening toothpaste because she too found a lot of these whitening chemicals too much on her sensitive teeth. She told me that some of her patients do nothing but use this toothpaste and they have the most amazing results, but she stressed that you had consistently use it and for the prescribed two minutes.
We then moved onto the topic of clutter control. She gave me the name of a website that she swears has changed her life. I'm always interested in any kind of organizational tools. I'm a bit obsessive about wanting to have everything organized, and it's been one of my biggest challenges since I live in a house with 3 boys! Can't wait to check it out.
We capped off the morning with refreshments from Clementine!
Made a stop at Kenny's office to pick up a bunch of materials he's planning on using to make the decor for Henry's party next weekend. On the way out I spotted Danny Bonaduce, I later learned from Kenny works on an E! show. Had some time for a couple of errands and before I knew it, it was time top pick Henry up.
Today is Mom's birthday (Happy Birthday Mom!) and it's also Vel and Gus' anniversary. We were so honored when they asked us to spend the day with them. Vel made reservations for the Getty and there was some talk about having dinner at the Inn of the Seventh Ray (site of our wedding). But that idea was nixed by me, since I did not relish being banned from that place due to some unforeseen but not unanticipated incident due to Rhys. Unfortunately Kenny could not take the day off, especially since he called in on Monday because of his foot.
We had a great time at the Getty Villa. None of us had the chance to check it out since the major remodel. It is as beautiful as I remembered, but now it's much grander. We were all hungry so our first stop was to grab a bite at the cafe. Then it was off exploring. It wasn't too bad.
I say this even as security dogged us mainly due to Rhys' reaction when we reached the main pool. We came down the stairs and it being pretty warm his first impulse was to try to take his shirt off for a little dip. I said no we were not going into the pool, so instead he found the perimeter of the pool and began to run laps around it. That's when I believe we first came under the surveillance of security. But I could be wrong... it may have been when Rhys picked up some rocks and threw them into one of the many fountains? Or it could have been when he ran down the stairs and started walking back up on the wrong side of the glass banister?
Despite this we had a lot of fun. Nicolette is an absolute angel and Henry was pretty good when he wasn't egging Rhys on! At the end of the day Auntie Vel and Uncle Gus treated the boys to some awesome colored pencils and magnet as souvenirs from the gift shop. The drive home was long (Friday rush hour) and pleasant as both boys were knocked out from their exertions at the villa!