Woke up relatively refreshed, probably because I conked out early last night. When I did awaken I immediately thought it was near midnight or a little there after, mainly because I have developed a strange insomnia since having the kids. I automatically wake up anywhere between 11:30 and 2:00, I assume my body thinks it's time to check up on them, nurse, whatever. It's now been etched into my DNA to wake up around that time, and if something is on my mind it usually keeps me up for an hour or two... oftentimes I figure as long as I'm awake I might as well catch up with Conan, Jay, Oprah or whoever else might be on. But nope that wasn't the case. I, in fact, for the first time in a long while slept through the night!
So I woke up refreshed and EARLY since we've turned back the clocks this past weekend. Makes you feel so on top of it when you are not rushing to get out the door. It was quite the leisurely morning, dropping the kids off without much problem and then it was off to my weekly Target run.
I was enjoying music from my iPod and did not feel like abandoning it once I entered the store, so I decided to find my earbuds and wear them as I shopped. This is the first time I've ever considered doing such a thing. I don't really like putting ear things on, and as a general rule think it's kind of rude, but oh well, what the heck! And you know what? It was fun. Like walking around to your very own soundtrack. My close friends will have no problem guessing who was on my playlist. Who am I kidding? Anyone with half a brain could probably figure it out. In my defense I've explained to Kenny that I only want to listen to music that puts me in a good mood, that makes me happy, music that reaches out and gives me a big hug!
It was in this good mood that I emerged from the store. I'm walking towards the car when I spot two police officers next to a car with all it's doors open. At first I thought one of the officers was issuing a ticket of some kind until I realized there was no one in the drivers seat, or outside the car other than the two officers.
I proceed to my car, which happens to be right next to the said vehicle, and continue to unload my purchases into the trunk. All the while I'm casually sneaking glances over, trying to figure out what was going on. They continue to sift through the contents of the car, and I realize at some point that they are both wearing blue latex gloves. So CSI.
I overhear the older officer radio in that he's found the son's telephone number amongst the paperwork discovered in the glove compartment. The younger officer is standing on the driver's side gingerly picking out the various bags found behind the driver's seat. One of which was a plastic grocery bag containing celery, and from the looks of it, had been in the car for a few days.
By this time I'm just jumping around inside. What I really wanted to do was rush up to them and ask, "Hey guys, what's up!?" but instead I approach them and casually say, "Sorry. I'm about to head out..." and wave a hand toward the opened driver's side door that was just a hair's breath from touching my car. They looked up and responded with a 'no problem' and closed the door for me to leave. WOW. I'm always so awe stricken when faced with people who deal with life and death situations on a daily basis as their line of work.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago