It's been an agonizing few days, going through all the photos we took over the holiday, but bear with me as I expect to post them later this evening. I'm trying to do several things at once, not my specialty.
An update on the general feel of things around here. We are having some minor work done on the house. This includes new doors and indoor and outdoor light fixtures. Because some of this work is in close proximity to the kitchen it's been a little difficult manoeuvring around the dust. And ontop of this the kitchen sink, tub, bathroom have formed an alliance and decided to strike causing a situation. They are backed up. And I'm not a happy camper. Hopefully this will be resolved later today.
Poor Henry has been inundated with work. As soon as he completes his homework assignment for the day, he has to tackle the bundle from last week as well as needing to correct a stack of assignments that need to be in to the teacher by Friday in time for, drum roll please... Report Cards next week!
On a brighter note, this morning I dropped off a set of holiday cards that Kenny's cousin Alston commissioned earlier this month. I had the bright idea to drop them off with her sister Michele, thinking Michele worked at the museum on Wilshire. Little did I know that her important work for the museum required them to have separate top secret offices on the westside. It was so intriguing to check out those digs! Unfortunately Michele was not there to greet me as she was called away to check on the status of a flooded storage area, but I did meet her coworker Jessica who was nice enough to invite me in for a brief look see. It was incredible to think off all the priceless paintings and artifacts that come and go from their offices! WOW.
Here's a shot of the cousins carousing on our San Francsico daytrip.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago