I just got off the phone with Kenny. I called to let him know that Dalia emailed with the info on her play and when we might be going.
He asks me "do you know Wentworth..."
"Wentworth... no I don't think I know a Wentworth."
"He's on a show... he just came in..."
"Oh. Wentworth, from Prison Break?"
"I think so. He's doing a voice, and just came in. Had to show him some paperwork."
"You should tell Hilary. I think she watches that show. Did I ever tell you about that time in Palms Springs when she and Sabrina nicknamed their bartender Wentworth...?"
Actually I have a much funnier story. Last summer Fox devised a 'Wanted' ad campaign for the show in anticipation of the fall season premiere. There was a particular site belonging to the City of Lawndale, right off the 405S. This sign had the picture of the 'brothers' next to each other with "WANTED" above their heads. I don't know if many of you had the chance to see it, but it was very clever.
As I've written in previous posts we have a standing lunch date with my dad every week, usually on Thursdays. So all summer long we're driving past this sign not commenting on it at all when all of the sudden in, oh I don't know, maybe early August dad says "Boy those two guys sure look alike, they look like brothers." I agree, thinking he's also thinking that they did a good job casting the actors. Then dad adds "I wonder why it's taking so long to catch them." :O
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago