It's that magical time of the year again! Tonight my parents, Angele, Hilary and John all gathered at our house for a quick dinner before heading out to the church at Henry's school for the annual Christmas Concert.
The pews were packed. We were lucky to find seats, albeit separately, not that it really mattered in the end, because a tired and whiny Rhys had a melt down that required he be put in the car. Angele generously offered to sit in the car with him, as she had last year when the same thing happened. Kenny, Hilary and I were able to inch our way up as close to Henry's class as possible. We tried our best to become one with the wall on the advice of the MC who had warned all present that the aisles had to be clear for the "actors" to pass.
It was a lively evening of carols, hymns and contemporary Christmastime songs. Henry's class did very well as did all present, but it was the littlest of all, the kindergartners that brought down the house with their rendition of 'The Little Drummer Boy'.
On the way home we spotted some neighbors on the corner jumping up and down waving at an apparition down the street. We were intrigued so turned around to ask what the commotion was all about. It was Santa with his fire truck brigade bringing cheer and anticipation, along with candy canes to the little ones. Henry got a great picture with the jolly one, but alas Rhys missed out since he was in slumberland.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago