I've been busy. I've been busy working on Katey's Bridal Shower invites. They finally went out last Friday, but that doesn't entirely explain my lack of posts. I've been tired and lazy. In short I've been playing hooky. (I actually found time for a book!)
Here's a quick recap the weeks events. Friday: Katey's invites were dropped off at the post office and that evening I dropped my parents off at the airport. They are currently on a cruise to the Caribbean. As a matter of fact today is their anniversary! 40th. F-O-R-T-Y! They're on the Love Boat (Princess Cruise) and are set to return Saturday night.
On Saturday we spent the entire day out of the house. The morning began with breakfast at IHOP. I would have preferred Coffee Co. but Henry loves IHOP why I'm not really certain considering he didn't touch much of his breakfast. I actually thought ahead and brought paper pads and color pencils to keep them occupied. This proved to be quiet the hit, so much so that we all ended up doodling!
As soon as breakfast was finished we decided to pay a visit ToysRUs. This ended up being a L-O-N-G visit. We were there for what seemed hours. Initially we stopped by to get some puzzles and somehow we switched gears and were looking at bikes for the boys. They tested a bunch of models before settling on matching yellow bikes with helmets for the each of them. They rode around the aisle again and again so excited to be taking one home.
Afterwards we headed to the park to let them run wild and kick a ball around for a bit. Once we wore ourselves out we strolled over to the movies to catch an afternoon showing of Spiderwick.
At the theater we munched on popcorn and hot dogs. The movie really caught their imagination and had Henry begging to go home and Rhys kept turning his head away at the more suspenseful moments. At one point I caught Rhys with his hands together as if in prayer!
When the movie let out, lo and behold it was time to get on the road to meet up with the rest of the family for dinner to celebrate Uncle Patrick's 60th birthday! We were there in no time and the kids all ran crazily around the room having a great time. Once dinner was done we started for home, a bath and fell straight into bed.
The next day we just lazed around the house doing various chores. I eventually dragged myself out the door with Henry to get him new school shoes. That evening we met Muni, Angele, Hilary, John, Alston, Nancy, Charlene and Michele for dinner at Casa Escobar. Nancy kept the boys entertained with PSPs, one for the each of them! They were entranced!
Earlier this week my friend Dena dropped by and I finally got my first chance to meet the adorable Brady! This is terribly embarrassing because Brady is now 6 months old and they don't live more than 5 minutes away!
Rhys jumped from the steps and missed! He fell hitting his left eyebrow leaving an ugly bruise! Luckily it there wasn't too much blood and he did not suffer a concussion! Yesterday while driving I caught him singing the ABC song! It was so cute!
I mentioned in a previous post that my cousin Victoria would be featured in the upcoming 'Seventeen'. Well its on the new stands now!
Way to go Victoria.
Lastly I want to point everyone in the direction of 'What's...Aahh...Happening?' which can be found at benshappenings.blogspot.com My brother Ben has started a blog of his own!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago