and injures Henry. Just as I was finishing up my last entry, Henry ran out of the shower. I thought he was coming out in search of his pjs and absentmindedly missed the fresh set I laid out in the bath for him. Wrong. He was in fact buck naked waving his left hand around. I didn't notice his hand until I stepped into the bathroom to show him where I left his clothes and glanced around the room thinking "did I just enter the Psycho bathroom?". There were tiny blood splatter ALL over the walls, curtain and fixtures!
He apparently became curious about Kenny's razors, which are placed high, high up at the top of the cabinet. After I cleaned the squeamish one up I took a razor down to show him how to handle it properly and to never move it from side to side! Yikes.
This actually reminds me of a major incident which happened about 3 years ago when Henry was 3 or 4. It was a warm day and I had just finished making a batch of smoothies for Henry and I. Shortly afterwards I went to nurse Rhys in the bedroom when I heard the whirl of the blender and an agonizing scream from Henry. Seconds passed before I heard his little feet pitter pattering into the room. I remember he ran into the room with his hand held in front of him with blood dripping down his arm in splotches onto the floor. My mouth went dry. My eyes grew wide and I felt all color drain from me. I put Rhys down and took Henry to the bathroom to try to clean him up. In a panic I noticed that he had caused quite a deep gash on his middle finger and nearly fainted seeing how deep it was... so I took a deep breath and called my dad. He instructed me to put this medicinal oil he keeps me supplied with onto the wound and that he would be up directly to help me drive the munchkins to the ER. Once there they super glued his little finger back together again! the end.
I wonder what a blood pattern expert would make of these walls? Would they immediately infer that a little guy gave himself a small cut at the tip of his finger and in an effort to stem the pain began to furiously wave his hand around the room not realizing the tremendous amount of eye rolling his mom would do while she meticulously tried to locate every drop of blood?
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago