Music Box

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rhys Turns F-I-V-E

I can't believe that summer's coming to an end, and the boys are due back in school next Tuesday. Lucky for me I'm practically done with back to school shopping.

We had a very exciting last few days with Rhys turning five. Thursday started lazily enough with the boys occupying their time in front of one screen or another. Late that morning Rhys received his first present (or rather second as we decided we were getting a PC for them since they've been fighting over the other one), a few dozen balloons from great-grandmother Muni! He was so excited as you can see from these snaps I took of the moment.

Afterwards we lounged around snacking until Auntie Hilary came up. We made a date to catch an afternoon viewing of the 'Clone Wars' at Howard Hughes. At the theatre of course we had to supply the bday boy with his requisite popcorn and coke. The boys had a blast, though Hilary and I entertained thoughts of ditching them to sneak into 'Sisterhood'. We just looked at each other and shrugged at the conclusion of the film after realizing that 90% of the movie was one long fight sequence. We concluded the big day with dinner at Islands and home for presents.

Over the weekend we caught 'Walking with Dinosaurs' at the Honda Center in Anaheim. The boys were thrilled.

The dinosaurs were amazing and more than once Rhys became a bit tense burying his head against my shoulder to block out a terrifying maneuver or sound made by the 'monster' creatures. Soon after the intermission I noticed a handful of kids dozing in their seats including our little birthday boy.

It was a little sad that they missed the awesome TRex. This gal was so loud I was shocked she didn't wake the slumbering kids. Rhys woke up soon enough for a dip in the pool and pizza at Aunties!

This is the first year we haven't had a big blow out birthday party. I felt very guilty. Kenny was ecstatic (granted it wasn't his birthday). Ever since we've had kids the spectre of birthday parties and Christmas have loomed like dark clouds upon this house. We have a very extensive extended family and everyone tends to go a little overboard so you can imagine the avalanche of gifts the boys are swamped with every birthday and Christmas. And when you add on top of the new mix all the toys that already live in their room you can imagine how relieved we were to dodge a little bit this time around.... but still what's a birthday without presents?

Friday, August 15, 2008

leaping into the twilight zone

I've been away too long, and sadly it wasn't until today that I missed it just a little. Did I mention that my laptop went on the fritz when I tried to plug extra usb ports in last week? It got all confused and blew a gasket. It was out for about a week and just got home. Other than that mishap I've been having a great last two weeks just lazing around soaking up the summer, or would it be more appropriate to say that the summer is making me soak? Never in all my summers in Los Angeles has it been so humid.

Rhys is smack in the middle of his first swim lessons and he's taken to them like a fish to water!

Last Wednesday I squeezed in a photosession with Dena, Brady and Brian showed up during the last part! In addition to being a music editor Brian is a superb musician! Here see for yourself at River City Gang.

The boys are wrapping up their camp experience today and so goes my solitary time until school starts. It was a really nice break for me. It's the first time in 8 years I've had long continuous stretches of time to myself. How have I been spending it you may ask. Well my original plan was to clean, purge and reorganize, but as we all know plans have a way of running away when things pop up.

In this case it was my catching the segment on Stephenie Meyer on Sunday Morning two weeks ago. Up until that moment I had seen the book series around the stores and had heard the commotion the film trailer created when it debuted at ComicCon, but had been too engrossed in other things to investigate.

After seeing the segment I was determined to read the series. I was lucky that the fourth and final book came out that past weekend. That Monday I ended up driving cross town to purchase the series from three different locations because for some reason the third book was in high demand. I spent the following several days devouring all four books. I read through them so quickly that I know I wasn't able to savor the experience the way that I should have. I was so desperate to find out what was going to happen that I sped through the thing like wildfire. I felt I really cheated myself when I reached the final chapter of the final book, and all I wanted to do was read it all over again. This is the first time I've ever felt the need to re-read what I've just read. As I'm forcing myself to go slowly this time around I find myself speeding through again, and may have to go for a third round. I can't explain it. Sure there are books that I've loved and have re-read, but usually I'll read them again at a much later time.

Whatever the reason I have to admit that this series has really captured my imagination as no book(s) has been able to do in a very long time. It might have to do with the subject matter. I have a thing for vampires that began way back in my childhood Christopher Lee, Frank Langella, Tom Cruise and who can forget George Hamilton? Barring Gary Oldman whose turn as Dracula in Coppola's version just repulsed me, I love my vampires. You are dealing with a girl who wrote her first term paper on the topic inspired by Ann Rice's Interview with the Vampire and the Vampire Lestat.

I'm rabid with excitement for the movie's release in late November over Thanksgiving break. Until then I'll have to satisfy myself with the books and trailers. An added bonus in these times of excessive information I was all over Stephenie Meyer's site and have discovered a deep love for the band Muse. She has ingeniously posted playlists for each book! There is the song 'Hate Me' by Blue October that I still can't get through without shedding a tear. And Collective Soul's 'Tremble for My Beloved' pretty much sums up my feeling for the series. Brilliant.
