Music Box

Friday, July 27, 2007

Rhys the Cola Fiend

Today is the last day of Rhys' third week in summer school, and he's been doing very well! Yeah. His last week of class begins next week and I am going to have my hands full once it's over. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. 1) No. Two 2) Easing further into the concept of sharing 3) Finding ways to hone his excessive energy (the instructor at a class we've been taking has suggested the purchase of a sit and spin; to be used prior to going out and/or doing something that requires more sedate behavior). 4) Getting him to practice articulating more words and putting them in complete sentences.

We were at Whole Foods again today where I purchased a case of their cola. I love their cola because not only is it caffeine free but it's also sweetened with pure cane sugar (high fructose corn syrup free -we've been reading studies where they are linking this ingredient to the growing obesity epidemic and more significantly to what Muni refers to as the 'muffin top' the bare and bulging midriff of the majority of the populace). Cola is also Rhys' biggest weakness (this and cheeseless pizza; and though his cola of choice is Coca-cola he will learn to love the Whole Foods brand). This is yet another weakness I am going to exploit by using it as barter to get him to do certain things for me like eating more veggies and possibly sitting on the toilet for No. Two. We had partial success yesterday, when he sat on the toilet (without success) for two minutes for a couple of m&ms! I'm going to have to come up with more incentives that are not food related.

The weather's been warming up and in the heat of the day with the added humidity it's mind numbing. I am constantly opening and reopening windows and doors only to have them be closed and reclosed by my fastidious little Rhys. Between Rhys and Kenny (Mr. Eco-Green refuses to turn on the fan -don't even mention a/c, we'll laugh in your face!) I am going to suffocate in this house!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

O Henry!


O Henry!

What is that?! A coco nut plant?

We've been extra vigilant about observing plants whenever possible, and this came to our attention on one of our runs to Whole Foods. They have this really interesting coco (nut?) plant in addition to an even more interesting pineapple plant with a miniature pineapple protruding from the top of the leaves.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Venus Traps a Fly

While in conversation with Kenny I happened to glance down at the Venus Fly Trap (view 7 o'clock)and was excited to see that it had indeed trapped a fly! While running for my camera I called out to Henry to let him know only to be informed by him that he had found a dead fly and decided to feed it to the Fly Trap!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Errands for Saturday

A lazy Saturday afternoon running errands to our usual destinations: library, park, some shopping etc. For an added treat we stopped off at Starbucks for refreshments. After which we had the pleasure of this view:

Only in LA?!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Natural History Musee

We had a pretty pleasant outing with Grandpa to the Natural History Museum today. We viewed icky bugs and beautiful butterflies before heading to McDonalds for lunch. While in line I had the pleasure of standing in line by myself until Rhys' untoward screaming pulled me out of my reverie. I had to ask the lady behind me if she could save my space while I went and corralled the young one back in line with me! Argh!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Le Park

We visited the park after picking Rhys up from school. It was an exhausting hour which ended with me scrapping my shoulder pretty badly.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Fair in Orange County

After picking Rhys up from school, we headed down to Orange County to meet up with Auntie Hilary, Uncle John and Henry for a day of fun in the hot, hot sun at the OC Fair! We arrived at the fair grounds around 11:30a and stood in line for a little before heading into the fair. It was a beautiful and slightly warm day with a wonderful breeze. The weather this time around was much better than a couple of years ago when it felt like steam was coming out of our ears.

First order of business was lunch and there after we attacked the rides. There were a few times when Rhys broke out into a run and evaded our tight grips. When he did we had to make a mad dash for his ride of choice. Rhys being as small and quick as he is compared to the general public, was able to gently but persistently needle his way to the front of the line thinking he was in! Alas! He was always tripped up by either lack of a ticket, or our ever reaching hands.

We took some time to cool off in this exhibit of insects and reptiles.

We even took some time visiting our old next door neighbor's booth.

All in all the boys had fun, as did the grown ups (feasting on fair fare)! On the way home I had to keep pinching myself to stay awake, because I was so tired all I really wanted was to join the boys in some zzzzzzzs!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Waiting for Mr. Potter


Father and son waiting for Harry Potter.
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Monday, July 16, 2007

a FULL day

I had a nice breakfast with Dena in between dropping and picking Rhys up from school. We had close to 2 hours time catching up with each other. Dena looks wonderful, and the baby is due August 22!

Today after I picked Rhys up we gassed up and got an exciting car wash before heading over to the grocery store. We got home had a little bite to eat and then Rhys played with Bionicles before plopping down on the couch to watch Superman cartoons (courtesy of Jammie -He loves the dvd by the way, a big Thanks!) and quickly lapsed into an exhausted nap.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

birthday Daddy!

Spent the day at John & Hilary's for Kenny's post birthday bash. It was a pretty hot day so everyone was happy to jump into the pool. We wrapped up the day with a delicious barbeque and chocolate cake!

For an added treat we agreed to allow Henry to spend a few days over at Auntie and Uncle John's. Rhys and I will be going down to meet them at the OC Fair on Tuesday after school. Can't wait!

Friday, July 13, 2007


This week has been such an eye opener and a relief. Rhys seems to be blooming from his time in school. His appetite has also increased. In addition to the countless eggs and tortillas I've been making him he's also developed a yen for TJ's Honey Nut O's and milk. What's astounding about this is that up until now he hasn't been very fond of milk but that's changed! This afternoon he picked up, and brought over a full gallon of milk in one hand and the box of cereal in the other to me twice. And each time upon reaching me he proclaims "I'm strong Mommy!"

While shopping with Henry today a random man passed by and said 'hi' to me. Henry turned to me and asked me why the man said hi to me, I repsonded that I didn't know why. Whereupon he said 'maybe because you're beautiful'.

These definitely fall under the heading of awww.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

from the Post

I got the sweetest thank you from Tim today:

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Dear

Happy Birthday Kenny!

Today is Kenny's birthday and he got his first present at 4:00a. It was from Rhys and it was in the form of a wet bed! We had a pretty sleepless night. At 2:00a Rhys came crawling in our bed wet. I got up and quickly changed him, but was too tired to deal with his bed so let him climb into ours. A mistake! Because 2 hours latter he wet our bed! No one can ever accuse Rhys of dehydration.

Due to our lack of sleep we slept in and found ourselves waking up at 7:10a. A big no-no especially since Rhys needs to be at school at 8:00a. Scrambled around getting dressed, breakfast and then dropped Rhys off at school. While making coffee I spied a caterpillar on the cactus by the window! The boys were fascinated by the caterpillar moving around the cactus. Unfortunately detracting their attention from breakfast.

I am still amazed at the ease in which Rhys is transitioning to school, so far he's still excited about going. Yesterday and today he made a dash to the door as we said our goodbyes but once I gave him a kiss and told him 'bye, see you later' and he was fine.

Henry and I went to Whole Foods to pick out a cake and some presents for Kenny. We started the excursion off by checking out the bakery and then we went to go get a little petit dejeuner. Henry got a hot chocolate with a chocolate muffin and I ordered a latte. We walked out with chocolate espresso cake, a box of J. Schmidt chocolates, a polycarbonate water bottle for biking (actually I bought 4 bottles; 2 small ones for the kids that fit into their lunch boxes and 2 for us because I have made the decision that I will try to not buy any more bottled water), a lunch box for Rhys, a pair of dish gloves (PINK!), and all packaged in a reusable Whole Foods bag.

The other day I asked Henry what present we should get for Daddy's birthday and he came up with a Venus Fly Trap. We couldn't find a Venus Fly Trap in the garden section at Whole Foods so we swung over to Armstrongs. There we picked a nice one out, while Henry picked the pot and saucer painted bright orange.

When we went to pick Rhys up his teacher explained to me that she will be teaching Kindergarten in the fall and is looking forward to the possibility of having him in her class. I had to explain that Rhys is turning 4 next month and that he won't be in Kindergarten until next year. Boy she was pretty surprised. I guess she thought due to his size he was already 5.

Later while in the car Henry excitedly told Kenny 'Guess what Daddy, we have a present for you at home, it's a surprise!' He then said 'You won't have to use your shirt to get rid of the flies anymore'. Guess what it is? He then went on to add 'It needs light'. Guess what it is? One more clue 'It's a plant, I'm not going to say anything more'. Gee I wonder what it is!

Check out this cool Mr. Potato Head: Transformer Edition Lisa got for Kenny. The packaging says 'More than meets the fry!'

Monday, July 09, 2007

Rhys' First Day of School

First Day of (Summer) School!

It's Rhys' first day of school and we are so excited. We woke up this morning after reminding him for the hundreth time that it was his first day of school. We scurried around getting breakfast and other things in order before we left to drop him off. Rhys had two servings of eggs and tortilla chips for breakfast. As soon as we announced that we were all ready to leave Rhys ran around looking for his backpack, and I am proud to say that I had it packed and ready for him with a water bottle and snack and an emergency change of clothes.

Before: Rhys is excited! I took this shot as we got closer to the school.

After: Rhys is in one piece! Doesn't he look more mature already?

a Whale of a Boy

We were invited to attend the Whaleboy Toy Release Party at Munky King on Melrose, so we met Kenny after work and drove up from the studio. It turned out to be quite a little to do. The art show was amazing and the party was a lot of fun. But we had to leave a early because Henry couldn't take the music blasting from the DJ's speakers. On the other hand Rhys was sad to leave 'cause he was in his element was in the mood to party!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July, Twenty Oh Seven

Went to May & Dean's for the Fourth. It was a load of fun and such great food. Among the highlights were the lamb chops done a la Mario Batali and the purple and green cole slaw! YUM. The kids were all over the place and loving it as you can see by these pictures. I tell you I was full 20 minutes after arriving at their house, but continued to stuff myself regardless.

We've officially been home for a couple of hours now and I'm just beginning to feel myself again. Nora called to invite us over for some fun with sparklers, but since Rhys fell asleep on the way home I decided to stay while Kenny and Henry went over. It's too bad that the Fourth fell on a Wednesday this year. Makes everything so awkward.

Monday, July 02, 2007

I Spy a Lizzard in the Room

Get out of my Rooom!!
While on the phone with Mary I spotted a lizard. Can you spy Mr. Lizard?

Here I am!
