Today was the first day of Rhys’ new play class. It was a hard workout for me. The first 20 or so minutes of our one hour class I was constantly on his tail. Moving him this way, telling him to go that way. Listen to the teacher! Watch what they’re doing, cause you’re going to be doing it next! Come back here! It went a lot better after he tried out all the contraptions in the playroom.
I’ve been talking to a woman whose son was in Rhys’ art class, and now it turns out that he is in the play class. She is full of interesting information and helpful suggestions. Like she asked me to check under his tongue to see how long it is. She mentioned that neighbors of hers had a similar situation with their son and she checked under his tongue. Turns out that the, I don’t even know what to call it, but it turns out that it was too long… it came out too close to the bottom front of the teeth and had to be surgically fixed. Once they fixed it his speech improved 100%! Also to throw her 2 cents in, her professional nurses’ 2 cents, she doesn’t see Rhys as being autistic at all.
Earlier we went to pick up Kenny’s bike from the bike shop and got suckered into taking a peek at some of the models there. Now I want a bike?! They had some really cute ones… that can be customized with really cute accessories. The model I have my eye on allows you to stand with both feet on the ground while sitting on the seat! Exactly what I’ve always wanted. Will have the darndest time figuring what color.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago