I meant to stay home today and putter around doing chores before picking Henry up. Alas, it was not to be. Dad phoned asking if we could switch our lunch to today. The reason behind this is because, they have scheduled (again) mom's foot surgery for Friday. I'm not sure if he's got anything planned for tomorrow. I don't think he does, I guess he just wants to leave it open just in case, even though Mom is planning on going into work. Go figure. 'Of course' I say and wait for him to come up.
I had to drop something off at the UPS store and on the way there we realized that it being Wednesday, it was Farmers Market at Westchester triangle. Dad suggested checking it out before lunch and so I circled around after dropping my package off. It's a very tiny Farmers Market especially when compared to Santa Monica. But we walk the length of it and back checking out a few stalls. Rhys spotted popcorn and asked to have some, Grandpa was nice enough to oblige. Leaving empty handed, except for the Kettle Corn we head on over to our usual lunch spot. We arrive at the restaurant and Rhys immediately meanders over to the fish pond taking a few moments before he is willing to go inside.
We select a table that we've been calling our own for the past month or so. This is for good and bad right by the fish tank, so throughout lunch Rhys will repeatedly get up and skip over to take a look at the fish and other delicacies that for a price can be your next meal! Today we thought we could bypass all the skipping to and fro by boxing him between the two of us. But Rhys being Rhys trumps us by going under the table. Repeatedly. Boys can be soooo gross! On one of his trips under the table I sense that he is under a little too long and so I take a peak. What do I see? I see my little boy picking things off the floor and putting it where? Yes. In his mouth! EEeew!
Finally we get him to sit properly and eat. Turns out he did not have much of an appetite today for real food. I guess the gum he found was more filling. That or the popcorn.
On a brighter note he did tell me he had to go to the bathroom by jumping out of his seat, going under the table, walking towards the restroom holding the front of his pants, before turning around looking into my eyes and saying "T'om on Mommy. Go pee pee!"
Happily our excursion to Marukai was pretty uneventful. I made it clear that we would not move until he sat in the front of the cart and was buckled in, and that if he would not comply then he could sit in the car with Grandpa until Mommy was done with the shopping. He got in and buckled up without any problem. In fact he was so good we rewarded him with another ride. He fell asleep afterwards and unfortunately on the way home peed in the car. I cleaned him up and we rested for a tiny bit before leaving to pick Henry up.
I've got a library book due tomorrow, 'Remainder' by Tom McCarthy and seeing as I cannot renew it I'm trying to finish it now. It's ok, a little dry and not much actually going on. I find that checking books from the library forces me to read them more quickly. A lot of times I will buy books and just not read them because I think I have all the time in the world and will get to it soon.
Please explain to me how it can take a person 2+ hours to do one page of homework?! HENRY!!! He finished most of his homework packet yesterday. All except for one page. It is now 7:27p and although he has finished dinner he has yet to finish that page. I still need him to practice for his spelling test and do a little reading before his 9p bedtime.
Kenny came home to a discombobulated Kitty. I think Rhys opened up a bunch of chocolate flavored cookies and fed them to her. Besides the fact that dogs and chocolate do not mix, the sugar is not helping much either. When she did not respond when he called her, he put 2 and 2 together and it spelled out RHYS!
Kenny hands me a page from his journal detailing something that happened at work today. He got called into a producers office and he's freaking out thinking he's performing poorly. Turns out that they have an opening for a timer and he was referred because the instructor of a class he took a month ago (also a director on the show) called him his best timing student! They are offering him the test! Still he has doubts. Quiet frankly Kenny is the most talented person I've ever met and still he doubts his abilities all the time. It's infuriating!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago