The news is on and they're reporting on the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. Can you believe that it opened 30 years ago today? This reminds me that we met Mark Hamill at Shutters while attending Great Aunt Charlene's memorial earlier this year. We were all waiting for our cars at the valet, and he couldn't help it but notice our crazy kids running around. He commented on how their play brought back memories of his own kids when they were that age. Apparently his younger son was just as wild and crazy as Rhys. He then asked where we were from and what we did. I guess he thought we were tourists staying at the hotel. Kenny answered that he was in animation and that we lived in the area. It was a lovely exchange and just proved how normal most celebrities can be.
I was a bit down today so after a long conversation with Jamie and a shorter one with Kenny I took Rhys down to my happy place. As we pulled into the Ikea parking lot Rhys says 'look mommy ice cream!' We took a quick look through the tent and picked up a bench for the patio. Grabbed a couple of hot dogs, and yes, split an ice cream cone!
Rhys happily chatted away during our ride to and from the store. He was so different from his normal quiet self (his usual behavior in the car, especially when Henry's not present) that I was a little distracted driving. "look mommy balloons!" "Plane... hi plane... bye plane... see you later" It just warms my heart that he's making these long overdue strides.
We got home, dropped off the bench and then left to pick Henry up, but not before he asked for a diaper to do "that" and then there was a struggle to get him into the car and into his car seat. For some strange reason he prefers Henry's seat. After about 10 minutes he finally backed down and agreed to get into his seat. We then picked Henry up and did a couple of errands before picking up some lunch, finally arriving at Daddy's work for a picnic lunch in the park.
Afterwards we went upstairs to visit for a little.
This is the Family Guy pinball game. If you double click the image you can make out some of the characters in the game.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago