Happy First Birthday Alyssa!
Got an email from Jamie this morning. She's posted her second entry. Hilarious. I can totally relate to the Spaghetti Incident. And the slug refernce... I tell you I never used to be that way, but since having kids I find myself continually putting things off until the next to last minute. Have I mentioned that I'm a Type A? Or used to be, so maybe I'm now a Type A- or Type AB?
And isn't baby Jakob cute?!
My friend Ben called me yesterday and we had a wonderful chat. He told me he was reading my blog and laughingly said Rhys was a prime SuperNanny candidate. Boy, I couldn't agree more!
I told him I had to start this blog for several reasons.
1) It keeps me sane. It's like my own special diary with benefits.
2) I have to write it down or I'll forget. Selective amnesia is how I call the sometimes state of my brain since having kids. I cannot remember a lot of things... hope this is not an early sign of Alzheimers.
3) I find it hard to keep repeating these stories, so it's easier to write it down to keep friends and family in the loop.
4) It's a creative outlet. Like instant scrapbooking without the messy bits and pieces that can potentially boil into a Spaghetti Incident.
I don't know if many of you are aware that Gap had purchased Forth and Towne a while back. They then opened up a bunch of stores, the closest to me is located in the Century City Shopping Center. This particular store opened in September 2006. And now Gap has decided to close Forth and Towne. I really LOVE the stuff in there. I was waiting for them to come out with a petite line, which will not happen now.
Went to lunch with Mom, Dad and Rhys today. We had lunch, or rather brunch at Coffee Co. Rhys was relatively well behaved keeping occupied with the jam dispenser and only opening 2 packets. He even asked to go to the restroom, and actually went, too! Afterwards we did a little shopping and then came home in time to rest a little bit before picking Henry up from school.
Luckily Henry finished all his homework yesterday, because we had a playdate with the twins. They had a blast and we met their new puppy Chewy (short for you guessed it Chewbaca) and wouldn't you know it? He looks just like Chewbaca! Rhys had a ball chasing the poor thing around. What a cute puppy.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago