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Friday, May 04, 2007

Busy Free

I'm finally getting to Jen's promised gift certificates. I've been putting it off, first because I hadn't heard from her about the choice of envelopes, and then I just did not have any time to go to Kellys to get them, and my list of excuses just grows and grows. But as I'm writing I am printing. I just left a message for her at home promising that I will drop them off at the salon tomorrow.

My plan is to go to Kellys in the morning to find envelopes that match this color white. And then drop them off either before or after the twin's birthday party. Today when I got to school to pick Henry up I saw they were celebrating the twin's birthday in the schoolyard. They got pizza and Cold Stones! YUM!

I saw this tonight.

Kenny is going to see Spiderman tonight with the guys so it'll be me and my two guys tonight. Zach came by about an hour ago offering an extra pizza they got. That was so nice of them to think of us. We've been munching on it, and I think that might be dinner. I'll offer to make a shake for dessert.
