This morning after getting cleaned up and dressed, and while waiting for breakfast Henry said "Oh it's May. I think I'll go change the calendar!" He sounded so grown up like a little old man! He went to his room and changed the calendar that Muni gave him for Christmas from April to May. This is a really great calendar and is very special, as she has personally handwritten in special days and birthdays on it.
Since Henry's second tooth fell out yesterday he's developed a slight lisp. It's funny to hear him talking about his Pokemon cards in this new voice. He and his classmates have gone ga-ga over Pokemon cards. This new interest has superseded his Lego fascination. He still loves his Legos but now he spends a lot more time looking over his ever growing Pokemon card collection. Even Kenny has learned how to play and they "battle" most evenings.
My cactus arrangement has survived it's first day in this house. There was a moment when I thought it was a goner. When Rhys gets up to mischief and does things he knows is wrong, for some inexplicable reason he feels this compulsion to drag me over to the scene of the crime. I'm not sure what he expects from me or how I'm supposed to react, but I think it's just darn weird. This morning was no different. He pulls me out to the dining table and points toward the cactus arrangement "see... oh no!..oh no!" I gasp seeing black things all over the table and floor thinking he had taken all of the stones out of the arrangement, but upon closer inspection, and to my great relief they were blackberries! Whew! Of course I admonished him and made him pick up all the blackberries! I hope that's what he realized I would do.
I've been doing a little research on air purifying plants in light of the fact that LA has made it to the top of the most polluted cities list (again!). And found a this great article. The best air cleaners according to the article are as follows:
Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa)
Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)
Dracaena 'Janet Craig' (Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig')
Pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
Fig 'Alii' (Ficus macleilandii 'Alii')
Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
Peace lily (Spathiphyllum sp.)
Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans)
Golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Florist mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
After our Gymboree class today wherein I got another fabulous workout and Rhys got several time outs, (in spite of this the teacher said that he was doing much better than last week) we had some time before we had to pick Henry up so I decided to go explore the new shopping center in El Segundo. Well what I really wanted to do was check out Smith and Hawken and new Whole Foods.
We arrived just as Rhys had fallen asleep. If you could've seen him in full swing at the class you'd understand the nap was in order. Anyhow I ended up carrying him, but once inside the sounds of the multitude of fountains placed throughout the store got him up and going again. He insisted on being put down so he could check out the goods. While he occupied himself, he was also conveniently working on "something else" in the corner. Luckily I slapped on a pair of Pull Ups before class. I'm still not sure how he'll react if he needed to go, so to make things simpler I put the Pull Ups on him.
While he was busy slapping at the water I took the opportunity to check out the plants and planters. I ended up purchasing two ivy plants and containers in this amazing shade of green.
I tried on a pair of fantastic gardening gloves that felt like butter! And almost bought a pair of really cool clipping shears that I wasn't positive I needed. The sales lady forgot to ring it up and I didn't really have the time to stay for her to do another transaction so... it was a good thing.
We went to Whole Foods and bought a bunch of junk food. We got these delicious Chai Chocolate Cookies and Peppermint Brownies made by Dancing Deer Baking Co. Yummy! The Peppermint Brownies are hands down the best brownies I've ever had. We also got two cupcakes Rhys insisted on having. They were very cute cupcakes decorated with little animals in frosting; one was vanilla with a frog and the other was chocolate with a dragon. Yum! Yum!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago