I have never driven a car with a handicapped sign hanging from the rear view mirror before and it feels strange. Mom, dad, Rhys and I had a lunch date today. Mom brought along her handicapped sign and we parked in all the spots. We did a couple of errands, and checked out the El Segundo shopping center since mom and dad have not been. Went to Smith and Hawken (again) and took a peak into Sur la Table. Rhys was okay, but he did mess up their display of food coloring. Luckily nothing broke!
Soon after we went to lunch and then did a little shopping before heading home. Because we always pass Costco on the way to and from our lunches, I usually make it a habit of filling up there, but today at a little past 1pm in the afternoon it was impossible. I understand that it was still the lunch hour, but each line was 5 to 6 cars deep! We had been out for a while already and I could tell Mom's foot was not feeling so great so thought better to go down to the local Valero before I picked Henry up instead.
By the time we got back to the house Rhys was asleep and rather than wake him I decided to let him snooze in the car with the windows open, of course, while I ran in to gather a few things before fetching Henry. Checked the mail and found a baby announcement boy did that bring on a bout of baby lust!
Once we got to Valero I noticed that the price went from 3.21 yesterday to 3.29 today! While not the great deal of 3.24 at Costco it was still a deal compared to the offerings at other stations nearby. Right as I was about to finish the guy from the station comes out with a bunch of signs reading 'out of order'. He proceed to tape the first one to the pump I'm using. He reassures me that I am fine, but the big demand today was quickly depleting the tank!
Driving to pick up Henry, I manage to catch the first part of the Treatment with Elvis Mitchell. Today he interviewed Edgar Wright director of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. It was really very entertaining as I have seen both films and really enjoyed watching both! I called Kenny to tell him only he never picked up his line at work, so I tried his mobile. I had forgotten he was taking the timing test today, and was in another part of the studio. So he's telling me that he got handed the test at noon, has just finished the first of 6 scenes, and might be really late finishing work as he will want to check over and check over again his work before submitting it.
My friend Ben called and we did a lot of catching up! And while I was gabbing on the phone with Ben, the boys were shrieking, or rather Rhys was shrieking, in the back. They were dousing each other with the water hose for the second day in a row! They were both so drenched that Rhys took off all his clothes and was just happily running around wild and naked all over the house.
Turns out Ben's been working practically around the corner for the past year. This position has him jetting around the country quite a bit. For gosh sakes he phoned me from Seattle last week! He's looking into buying a duplex down the street. Looks like we might be getting some new neighbors!
Kenny is planning on going to Bill Papahristos' funeral tomorrow. To get a feeling of how highly they think of Bill Papahristos, Fox has arranged for shuttles to take employees to and from the services. Kenny was very sad to hear that he had passed away, and though he's glad he made the effort to visit him a couple of times over the years since leaving Fox, he only wishes he made one last effort.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago