It's finally cooling down to a temperature that allows my mind to function without my head overheating. The intense heat we've been experiencing these past couple of days makes you worry all that much more about Global Warming, and to top it off there's been another fire at Griffith Park.
I woke up this morning with a tickle in the back of my throat. I forced myself to go to the medicine cabinet in search of my bottle of Zicam. It hadn't expired yet! But the mister was not working properly, so I unscrewed it and gave a little gargle. Yuck.
Rhys is having a meltdown in the bathroom. He's having issues. Perhaps its the heat. Can we blame the heat for his mischievous behavior? He's overturned my pot of marigolds twice, put rocks in my coffee (luckily I caught him doing this and did not find the surprise), jumped on my leg or more specifically the area that connects the top of my leg to my pelvis and let me tell you that hurts like bloody anything and countless other things that my melted brain cannot or will not remember.
Yesterday Rhys and I did errands. We started off at Trader Joes then dropped everything at home in the fridge before heading back out for Jen's envelopes and then finally a super satisfying trip to Armstrongs. I got a few plants to freshen up the container by the front door. I also found a selection of geraniums to scatter in pots in the back. I even got their new rewards card!
Because the heat melted my brain I wasn't able to think straight enough to get Henry a disposable camera for his field trip. So we met Kenny at Target and while I let my head cool off in the car the boys went in for the camera (which when we got home I noticed that it was not a disposable camera, but a carton of 35mm film rolls!) and some Pokemon cards from the money the tooth fairy left for Henry's second tooth.
It was getting late and didn't feel like making anything for dinner so we stopped off to order take out a restaurant. While waiting for my order I noticed a family of three seated in the corner. They were finishing up their meal and the preteen got up and approached the chef's counter looking for something. After a few moments he started mumbling 'toothpicks. got any toothpicks?' and as he's saying this his hand is wandering into the different things by the front of the counter as if saying it and poking his hands into things will some how make it magically appear. Well he ended up sticking his hand into a bowl of food the chef and just spent some time preparing for a diner. You should have seen the scathing look the chef gave the guy! Eeew!
All this heat along my fresh interest in everything green has led us to a lot of dining al fresco lately. In addition to taking coffee and shakes outside we've also been blowing bubbles and it's so much easier to hose off the table of spilt shakes and bubble liquid.
Rhys and I left the house today at 11:00a. Equipped with a drink and a snack Rhys was asleep by the time we reached Salon Amba. I quickly found a parking spot not too far from the salon and had to call Jen to see what can be done. She had someone come out to watch Rhys while I ran in to drop the certificates off. I was in in out in 2 minutes and then it was off to Gymboree.
Can the heat be an added factor to the fact that a lot of people are driving around the city with their heads up their rear? I pulled into the parking lot and there was this guy taking up TWO lanes to wait for his parking space?! Uhmm, could you maybe take a second and straighten up so the 3 cars behind you can pass to go into the underground parking where there are plenty of spaces? Plenty of spaces in the SHADE?! What an idiot.
Our third play class at Gymboree saw young Rhys and his mommy in time out for half the class! Fun. Afterwards the teacher praised me for sticking to it and told me she's seeing a vast improvement. Okay.
Before we left I was so hungry so we went upstairs to the food court to get some Mediterranean to go. When we got home we ate it on the picnic bench outside and blew bubbles before getting ready to pick Henry up from school. Henry had fun at the Space Museum in Pasadena and luckily they were not impacted by the Griffith Park fire probably because the fire began about 1:30p and they were back at school by 2:00p.
We got home and I made us all strawberry banana shakes.
While enjoying them in the backyard Zach popped his head over to see if Henry wanted to go over to have a play date with him and his friend Neil. Henry furiously finished his homework before heading over.
I wish I could hose this down!! We'll call it the chocolate syrup episode.
I came out to see chocolate smeared all over the walls, posts and table and Rhys diligently trying to scrub away the evidence.
Here's my pathetic attempt at a shot of the Griffith Park fire.
It's a startling sight that smacked me in the face on the drive down La Cienega.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago