Today is the last day of Rhys' third week in summer school, and he's been doing very well! Yeah. His last week of class begins next week and I am going to have my hands full once it's over. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. 1) No. Two 2) Easing further into the concept of sharing 3) Finding ways to hone his excessive energy (the instructor at a class we've been taking has suggested the purchase of a sit and spin; to be used prior to going out and/or doing something that requires more sedate behavior). 4) Getting him to practice articulating more words and putting them in complete sentences.
We were at Whole Foods again today where I purchased a case of their cola. I love their cola because not only is it caffeine free but it's also sweetened with pure cane sugar (high fructose corn syrup free -we've been reading studies where they are linking this ingredient to the growing obesity epidemic and more significantly to what Muni refers to as the 'muffin top' the bare and bulging midriff of the majority of the populace). Cola is also Rhys' biggest weakness (this and cheeseless pizza; and though his cola of choice is Coca-cola he will learn to love the Whole Foods brand). This is yet another weakness I am going to exploit by using it as barter to get him to do certain things for me like eating more veggies and possibly sitting on the toilet for No. Two. We had partial success yesterday, when he sat on the toilet (without success) for two minutes for a couple of m&ms! I'm going to have to come up with more incentives that are not food related.
The weather's been warming up and in the heat of the day with the added humidity it's mind numbing. I am constantly opening and reopening windows and doors only to have them be closed and reclosed by my fastidious little Rhys. Between Rhys and Kenny (Mr. Eco-Green refuses to turn on the fan -don't even mention a/c, we'll laugh in your face!) I am going to suffocate in this house!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago