I've been very lazy these past few days pointedly neglecting this blog. My excuse yet again is that the heat has melted my brain and I can't do more than the basic minimum to keep the kids going. I don't recall much happening this past Saturday other than our usual Gilmore Girls marathon (as we are racing through the entire series; we are at Season 3, disc 4. Hurrah for Netflix! -even Henry is enjoying it. I want to add that I wish this show was on when I was in school, I would like to think that it would have inspired me to be a much better student), but on Sunday we met up with Hilary, John, Kelly, Angele and Muni for a little celebration dim sum in honor of John's BDay on Monday. It was another delectable meal with everyone stuffing themselves silly and even the boys behaved somewhat. Somewhat getting a little crazy just around our table.
Monday, Kenny and I began a first of 7 classes on how to trick your kids into behaving. Seriously it's a parenting course on behavior examining traditional models vs. a more modern approach. It's SuperNanny in the classroom or rather squeezed into 7 two hour meetings. It's very educational and we are lucky to have an entertaining instructor.
Yesterday and today upon picking Rhys up from school I was informed by anyone who can possibly speak that my little boy was such a good student during class. He did everything he was asked to do and even participated in singing the Good Morning song! Apparently in the past when asked to transition to a new activity it was not uncommon for him to throw things across the room in protest, thus resulting in a time out. Looks like week 3.5 is the lucky number!
I'm sad that the session ends on Friday and we will be on our own for a month! I'm devising a schedule for the both of them during this break and it isn't going to be pretty. I've already began to build my arsenal with workbooks, puzzles, games both traditional, and video as well as wipe off charts (for practicing ABCs and cursive writing).
I was really happy to hear that Rhys is settling into his school schedule, but no sooner do we hear the good news then what do you think happens? He starts acting up when we arrive home. It's as if his brain is telling him 'I'm exhausted from being good! I need a break and need to let it loose!' He's so happy to be home he's jumping around the house screaming at the top of his lungs and already fighting with Henry over toys. Oh boy!
All this talk of school has just reminded me that I have been engaging in rather interesting activities these past few days! My high school reunion is coming up in October and I'm currently exchanging emails with Ariane and Heather. It's really fun catching up with them and taking a peak into what's happening in both their lives and I cannot wait to see them in person.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago