Went to go pick Rhys up from school this morning, parked the car in front of the school as usual. Rhys usually comes out of the school with the class to meet me and as this only takes a few seconds Henry stays in the car with the windows rolled down.
Only this time my little boy didn't come racing out to meet me as usual. Instead he was sob howling and struggling to break free from the teacher. Apparently he had been asked to walk out and wait until he saw mommy before racing wildly out towards the street. He refused to comply and thus there they were.
Having been sucked into this drama I was unprepared for the appearance of a tactless know-it-all who rather imperiously interrupted our little drama to lecture me on how it was against the law to leave a child under 12 in the car out of sight. She acted as if I had left Henry in the car down the block with all the windows rolled up. We were in fact at the entrance to the school, the car was parked on the street directly on the same street as the school. We didn't even have to cross the street to get back in the car.
My mind failed me yet again and I stood there staring blankly at the arrogant busybody. Carla the aide offered to go see to Henry, and the teacher looked up, kind of rolled her eyes and gave her a look before turning to me to say 'Some people just don't get it'. I was too wrapped up in the drama at hand to process the episode with psycho witch and so had a delayed reaction. Once processed I was ready to hurl eggs at her and her fancy schmanzy gas guzzling white Mercedes station wagon. I wonder at the gall of some people who have no qualms about rudely interrupting what is quite obviously a very traumatic incident, not to quietly excuse herself and calmly remind the mom that she had another child in the car, but instead confrontationaly launches into a monologue of what an unforgivably awful parent you are to leave a child in the car! Irregardless of what was going on, and never mind that you were within hearing range of the car. I wish I had taken a picture of her ugly mug, her status symbol car along with license plate for all the world to see! Can you tell I was a little ticked off?
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago