Music Box

Friday, August 10, 2007

Company Picnic

Today we set off early in preparation for the Family Guy Co. Picnic also called the Fox Animation Co. Picnic due to the fact that both Family Guy and American Dad fall under the same umbrella. We followed Kenny into work early and hung around until it was time to leave for the party. The boys and I spent some time in the park behind the building, this is the area we call 'Turtle Park' on account of all the turtles that live in the pond.

After about an hour there we left for the Museums, which are located across the building. The kids played on the grassy park area before the heat drove us into the museum's cool air conditioned interiors. Since they had been there just a couple of days previously with Kenny while I was getting my massage they knew the layout pretty well.

They dragged me to the different exhibits that they found fascinating and pushed appropriate buttons and what not. Rhys pulled us into the photo booth and insisted that we pose and say cheese. How could I resist? But not having the appropriate bills ($5!) I inserted my credit card and there we sat smiling and making silly faces.

Soon it was time to go and we made the slow walk back to the office. As we were crossing Lisa who was pulling into the building spotted us and flagged us down. We had a scurried few minutes saying hello before the boys and I were forced to continue crossing the street. We went back upstairs only to be told by the receptionist that Kenny had just stepped into a meeting that would take about 20 minutes. So I decided we should go back downstairs grab a snack and wait it out in the car before going back up again.

We hurried back upstairs dallied around and we finally left the building for the trek to Agoura Hills, the location of the picnic. Along the way we all listened to the further adventures of Peter and Fudge (Judy Blume). Rhys fell asleep at some point, while Henry was glued to the story, laughing hysterically when he heard Peter call Fudge 'turkey brain'.

Next thing you know we've arrived and the first thing we do is sign in and each get a t-shirt to commemorate the day. We had a choice between a handful of colors but chose all blue because it was the most subtle, but mostly because I didn't want any fighting between the boys over who gets which color!

Immediately afterwards we dove into all the goodies! Henry lined up for some cotton candy

while Rhys made a bee line for some shaved ice. Very refreshing on such a warm day! Lunch was a catered affair featuring hot dogs, hamburgers and barbecued chicken. Fresh fruit and drinks were plentiful and much sought after. All the kids ran themselves ragged around the sprawling grounds of this country club. There was a really pretty lake across the street that lent a perfect and picturesque backdrop to the whole day.

Henry and Rhys had a really great time playing with all the kids. At one point Rhys was happily running around with two balloons until another boy his age decided he too wanted a balloon and began to chase Rhys all around the lawn. For the first time in his life someone gave Rhys a run for his money, and he discovered that it was not such a fun experience. It was classic! I wish I had my camera on video, darn, I wish I had my camera on and ready for the tears that were beginning to well up in his eyes for fear that this little kid was gaining on him and determined to snatch his balloons away. Unfortunately I missed my shot but did manage to get the resolution:

The kids played a number of games that were set up on the lawn. Then there were organized games for both grown ups and little ones which included an egg toss, water balloons, potato sack race (Rhys participated in this one and made a valiant attempt too),

watermelon toss (which involved greasing up the watermelons with Vaseline!)and a watermelon eating contest. Kenny won these ribbons for the balloon toss and some kind of team obstacle thing!

The party ended at 7p with the introduction of cookies, ice cream treats and karaoke.

We got home close to 10p after muddling through traffic and making a brief stop for a little snack. Came home and had to pop some Motrin from the headache that ensued as a result of all the sun and heat.
