Music Box

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Today we started the day off waking up late. We gradually dragged ourselves out of bed, got breakfast, cleaned up, got dressed and dropped Henry (off at Mary's for a playdate with Jonah) and Kenny off before Rhys and I headed off to our Gymboree class. Exactly a week from today my little Rhys will be turning Four. I can't believe it. Our Gymboree classes will officially end at the end of the month and Rhys will start Pre-K!

As soon as we hit the road Rhys pipped up 'Mommy.. chicken nuggets' 'I want chicken nuggets, please'. Good thing they can be conveniently had at the mall! Then he said 'Mommy... I want Henry!' I said that we were going to get chicken nuggets and then we have to go see Teacher Karen before going to pick Henry up at Jonah's. He appeared to understand and responded with 'Alright'. We arrived fairly early. I kept prepping him as to what we were going to do next and in what order. Once we got to the mall the first thing we did was go straight to the bathroom where he insisted on laying down on the baby changing table.

He was excited to be at Gymboree and was dying to get into the playroom. But it wasn't time to start yet so in lieu of the playroom he and a few other boys in the class began to playfully chase each other around the room. It was one of the first times I've seen him comfortable enough to engage in play with others besides Henry and close friends and neighbors.
