This morning I'm driving south on La Cienega, lost in thought I don't see the big flashing arrow alerting cars to move into either the right or left lane until the last moment. I slowly move to the right lane, and am not at all panicked because everyone knows that the proper thing to do is to slowly, politely and alternately, with each car taking its turn, move into the lane you need to be in. Well tell it to the pompous "that which will not be said, but rhymes with stitch" who was already in the right lane. She adamantly would not let me in despite it being my turn to merge. We were inches from scratching our cars when I backed down. I didn't really give it much thought afterwards, but she sure had something up her bonnet because immediately after passing her as I moved into the far left lane, she flipped me the bird! WOW. She gets her way by not allowing me to merge in front of her and she flips me off! The world and those who inhabit it will never cease to amaze me.
Went to dim sum today, our usual lunch date with Dad and the boys. Walking towards the restaurant Rhys said something about rice, and that's funny because he's beginning to associate this restaurant with his favorite thing to eat here sticky rice! We got a table and both boys settled down in their seats before Dad and I got to the table. Rhys was so happy to be there today that he began to engage the servers as they passed with their trolleys. He even ventured to ask in a rather long sentence if he could have an order of sticky rice! Although what actually came out was a bit garbled you could make out 'rice' and 'please'. It is an excellent beginning.
I feel these weekly lunches with Dad serve a few purposes, mainly it helps the boys bond with their grandad, (much like the Gilmore's Friday night dinners), it offers a good venue to teach them manners (plus since we're there so often and the wait staff is known to us it's not too embarrassing when incidents happen), it will foster a yen for Chinese food, opening them up to Chinese culture, and also serve as another place to practice using their chopsticks.
Speaking of dim sum, my friend Ann has started her own blog. You can read about how it feels to live in Hawaii year round at 'Everyone Needs Dimsum'. Hurrah for Ann!! I've also added it to the Essential Viewing Sites on the side column.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
thing). Before Swifties throw beaded bracelets at my head, let me begin by
1 week ago