Music Box

Sunday, December 02, 2007

(Paloink) Beware the Green Slime! (Paloink)

We had a very full weekend. Mine began Friday evening with a scheduled photo shoot at Salon Amba where I met Jen and her new assistant Sarah in preparation for their annual holiday card. Luckily Rhys napped for the entire duration of the session, and though Henry was awake, he proved to be ever the trooper.

Over the weekend we attended a party hosted by my friend Ariane and her husband John on the occasion of their son Owen's third birthday party. Heather was there with Sofia. Earlier as we were getting ready to leave I told Henry that I think Sofia would be at the party. He responded with "do you think she will be there, or will she be there?" Huh?

We had a very pleasant time at the party and it was a nice chance to catch up with each other since the reunion. Just as we were leaving Asbasia and her family arrived! We were able to briefly exchange hellos before taking off.

This weekend we also trekked over to the Rialto Theatre in South Pasadena, where Alex Borstein threw a little bash to celebrate the 100th episode. It was very fun. Hot dogs, popcorn and an assortment of goodies were served along side a Sci -Fi double feature with running commentary by those present, very a la Mystery Science Theater.

I was fortunate to get photos with Alex and her husband Jackson Douglas (Gilmore Girls).
