Music Box

Friday, April 25, 2008

hobos in the backyard

With summer fast approaching and the weather warming up Kenny thought it would be nice to have a weenie roast in the backyard with marshmallows for dessert. At the mention of marshmallows and hot dogs Henry and Rhys became very excited, but Rhys was super duper excited! He was the first to put on a jacket and went in search of his hat. I heard him rummaging in his room and finally a call for help, "Mommy, help me. I can't reach a hat. Power Rangers hat." After it was retrieved I put it on him and he quickly skipped outside, not wanting to miss a second.

Minutes later he came running back inside mumbling something about matches and Daddy. "I getta matches a Daddy." So we looked for the matches and he took them outside. Unbeknownst to me, getting the matches was something he had the forethought to come up with himself. Once we were outside Kenny who was working on gathering all the necessary equipment said he was going to get the matches, only to be presented with them by Rhys.

I was happy to test out some setting on the camera. Look what I captured? A group of hobos in the backyard.
